Saturday, February 8, 2014

Building a Cabin for Free - Part 4

Well obviously it has been forever since I posted. Let's just say "life happened" over the past year or so - including finding a new job in Seattle - while still living in Spokane (talk about a commute!), quitting that job after nine months and starting a new job here in Spokane. Needless to say the future homestead has been on the back burner for awhile. And that also means I haven't done anything with the cabin - well that's not quite true...

My kids and I were wanting to do something "cabin-ish" so we decided to take the reclaimed materials we did have and build a fort for the boys in the back yard. It's not a real cabin but it was good practice.

It's a 6x8 floor plan and you'll see in the pictures it's still a work in progress. The good news is I haven't spent any money except for nails and screws. Everything else was scrounged by me. I basically got a roof on it right before winter hit. I'm pleased to announce the roof works fine - no leaks!

You'll notice I piled a bunch of plywood and other materials in it for safe keeping until we finish it in the spring. You'll also notice a few side light windows (one has been installed and one is laying in the fort) that I salvaged from some door remodels I did with my brother.

Of course I've promised the boys once it's done in the spring we'll sleep out a few times. I'll also need to start acquiring more materials for the actual cabin. I'm thinking of maybe trying a log cabin as we have a lot of timber.


  1. Well that,s a start Steve and I'm sure will peak the kids interest. Can't wait for you to start the real cabin. looking forward to some pics and more blogs.

  2. Thanks Bob! I'm going try to be more diligent about posting here. We'll have to meet in person some time as you are just up the road from me! Take Care!
